Finding Ways to Manage Cash

Apiture understands how important balance reporting is for business clients when tracking their performance and keeping enough cash on hand to pay employees and cover expenses. Harnessing transaction and account data is critical in helping your business customers efficiently manage their cash to make important decisions.

Discovering Insights in Account Data

Apiture offers a powerful reporting tool, Premium Balance Reporting, that provides your business banking clients with valuable insights into their account data. These users can create customized balance reports with detailed criteria, including use of account groups, or favorites, to build out reports and templates. Clients can download the data into a variety of formats, giving business owners and their finance teams the flexibility they need to feed data into external systems.

Key Benefits

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Premium Balance Reporting includes the ability to select the specific balance and transaction information that suits a business’ unique needs, and save reporting criteria as templates for use in the future.

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Reports can be viewed online, downloaded in a variety of formats (BAI2, CSV or TSV) for use in external systems.

Users can filter based on more granular criteria, such as account type or account groups, date ranges, and more.

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Business clients benefit from the customized view of their company’s financial performance. 

For further information about how your community bank or credit union can partner with Apiture to succeed, contact us today.